A Message from the Founder

Welcome! We are a psychotherapy practice serving individuals, both teens and adults, couples and families throughout the state of California.

At the core of our practice is the belief that every human being is a work in progress. Learning about ourselves is a lifelong endeavor as we attempt to find meaning and a sense of our truest purpose.

It is an extraordinary era that we are living in—one that I believe critically depends on our need for one another for survival. We offer you our presence, truth and an unyielding commitment to hope, change and repair through the healing art of psychotherapy. We respect and honor each person’s unique, personal life experiences, lineage, cultural background, viewpoints, and the wisdom each brings to the dialogue exchanged.

I feel immensely humbled to be of service to our communities and mentor this incredible team of dedicated psychotherapists. We look forward to serving you.


Shana Burns, LMFT

Founder | Clinical Supervisor